I have done 8 websites for customers since the beginning of the year and that doesn't include 3 of mine I revamped. I also got hooked up with a great hosting company (siteground) which is consider in the top 3 web hosting company's for 2020. I am not selling websites but I am here to help. Please feel free to reach out, email, ask a question, are simple want to have your site checked and reviewed for free. Contact me here or email me.
I have have been real qiute but I am still head first in the lapidary market as a hobbyist. But have cut several hundred cabochons since the lock down as well. So I am staying busy and will help provide more content in the coming year. Please visit my 3 personal websites to get an ideal of my work.
https://freeformcabs.com/https://shainmayer.com/https://eastverderivercabin.com/Thank you
ps. I am still always looking for people who want to have their website linked to from mine. So just reach out and ask.