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Author Topic: I asked an artificial intelligence system about the future of lapidary arts  (Read 774 times)

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R.U. Sirius

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Today I decided to try for the first time asking ChatGPT a question. Quite impressed, actually - as unsurprising as the answers are, they are quite reasonable. I certainly don't disagree.

How will lapidary arts evolve over the next 20 years?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, based on current trends and advancements in technology, here are some possibilities of how lapidary arts may evolve over the next 20 years:

    Improved technology: With advancements in technology, lapidary arts can become more precise and efficient. This could lead to faster cutting, polishing, and shaping of gemstones and minerals.

    Use of artificial intelligence: Lapidary artists may start incorporating artificial intelligence in their work, allowing for greater precision and faster production times.

    Sustainable practices: There is growing concern about the environmental impact of mining and lapidary arts. In the next 20 years, lapidary artists may adopt more sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact.

    Increased use of recycled materials: With a focus on sustainability, lapidary artists may start using more recycled materials in their work. Recycled metals, for example, could be used to create unique settings for gemstones.

    Integrating technology with traditional techniques: Lapidary artists may start using 3D printing and CNC machines to create custom designs that can be transferred to traditional techniques such as carving, engraving, and inlaying.

Overall, there are many possibilities for how lapidary arts may evolve over the next 20 years. As technology advances and concerns about sustainability continue to grow, lapidary artists may adopt new practices, techniques, and materials to create unique and awe-inspiring works of art.

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If that's what I can expect from AI, I'll save my money for something solid like a fishing rod or easy chair.  Any 2nd year journalism  or  language arts student could have done as well if they had been given a two sentence explanation of what lapidary was about.  Not impressed yet. 
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R.U. Sirius

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Peruano, I guess it comes down to one's expectations. I wasn't expecting much, and I do have some decent understanding of how these systems work. Actually for such a niche topic with not much quality data out there, I was expecting a total miss.

Still, the points that came out (shift to more advanced machinery beyond grinding wheels, concerns with ethical sourcing and production, CAD, etc.) I feel are quite valid and are actually unfolding as I write.

As for the second-year students, i am afraid your perspective is based on different, better times. I work with university students of various backgrounds, and rarely see broad knowledge and thinking that would lead to a relevant bullet-point overview of this kind if you put them on the spot and give them a minute or two (unless the specific topic is exactly in their area of research - and even then, a good chunk of them wouldn't be able to independently produce an overview like this).

Anyway, I was hoping for a discussion around the points made, not the AI. Let's not stare at the finger that's pointing to the Moon...


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Interesting question, and interesting response!  As a technologist (day job) I've been watching this AI hoopla with a wandering eyeball.  I'll just say this about what is being called 'AI' these days... it is not AI, but merely predictive response based upon mountains of searchable data.  Call me when AI starts coming up with its own questions.

I liked the response, and have even contemplated the use of CNC for doing micro inlay and such.  I think some lapidarists are already using some of these techniques based on the level of detail I've seen in recent work.  Personally, I polish rocks as a 180 from my 8-to-5 gig.  There's something therapeutic about working lithic treasures after a long day at the keyboard.

I'll add my own prediction... the availability of good lapidary rough will become scarce and more valuable.  I don't even need to invoke any sorcery for this prediction as I've watched it come true in my lifetime.

R.U. Sirius

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I'll add my own prediction... the availability of good lapidary rough will become scarce and more valuable.  I don't even need to invoke any sorcery for this prediction as I've watched it come true in my lifetime.

Definitely I can see this coming, especially with the recent big global push to protect large areas as ecological reserves. COP15 outcomes are a good example - mining will certainly not be an option in large portions of signatory countries, especially not at a couple of dollars per pound of material.


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