Off Topic Area => Random Musings => Topic started by: Felicia on March 16, 2020, 02:09:58 PM

Title: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 16, 2020, 02:09:58 PM
Hi. I was going to go to the rock show this weekend and try to find some material for an outrageous cab, but the state governor has shut down public gatherings; it's at over 50 people now. Are you having the same thing in the west?   There wasn't an egg or potato to be had in the grocery store today.  I want to put an entry in the cab contest but only have my new one of owyhee jasper, and there already is one.  Stay well everyone.  :occasion14:
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: irockhound on March 16, 2020, 06:52:09 PM
It varies from city to city here in California.  San Francisco is on lock down with stay home except for essential services.  L.A. has closed restaurants to only take out and delivery.  Bars, Gyms, movie theatres and arcades etc to be closed  They have also limited gatherings to 10 people.  Ventura county restaurants can be open but only at 50% capacity and I assume this will change soon.  Stores in the area are wiped out of everything.  Trader Joe's entire isles are empty and they only get limited shipments and fill one area which quickly gets taken.  Costco and Trader Joe's have lines forming before they open for people trying to get goods.   Crazy.  If you want toilet paper, meat, tortillas or bread good luck.  The stock person at Target last night was stocking eggs and I had gone over for some and I went to get a 12 pack of eggs and she said "get the 18"  and told me she had gotten info thru the store that new restrictions were about to change more restrictively.  Schools have closed for from a week to over a month depending on districts.  My disabled son goes to a special needs program.  I finally kept him home after the schools closed, especially since his program the kids (adults) have limitations and things like hand washing etc can be a challenge since the caregivers aren't allowed to go into the bathroom with them.  Every year when the cold and flu season come he is the one who brings it home to share.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 16, 2020, 07:49:21 PM
Sounds a lot like Frederick MD. Most restaurants carry out or drive-through only. Yesterday the governor ordered casinos and racetracks closed,  apparently people weren't willing to stop losing money without that. Other closures came today. Hope the vacine works. Q
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: irockhound on March 16, 2020, 07:56:38 PM
My youngest son works at Olive Garden as a server or SP.  He is being sent home often due to low turnout and now the Restaurant is only allowed to have 3 tables total with guests at any one time.  So most of the employees have no work.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: lithicbeads on March 16, 2020, 07:56:47 PM
Here north of Seattle virtually everyone is in  voluntary lockdown. Service businesses  are trying to decide what to do  but most non -crucial retail stores are shuttered.The people in my area are very old and have been around trying times before and have the discipline  to self isolate. I am gardening big time as this will be here until fall at least. We are lucky as we have many miles of wide beaches this time of year and beach hiking is a good way to self isolate and have fun.Good luck. We have first responders near death here , very tragic.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Slabbercabber on March 17, 2020, 05:15:23 AM
Houston has mandated restaurants do takeout  but up here in the stix things are more relaxed.  Other than tp and eggs being out of stock it's business as usual.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: ileney on March 17, 2020, 12:15:09 PM
A friend in Switzerland says there it is down to FIVE people gatherings even outdoors or in your own home (presumably if you have a large family, this doesn't apply) and everything is closed but the pharmacies, grocery stores and gas stations, with even the pharmacies having the limit of five at a time, with enforcement and thermometer monitors at the door. And the death toll is still doubling.

Meanwhile, in my tiny town of 10,000 in Maine, a middle schooler somehow caught it in the community; no one he knew had travelled. Unfortunately, he was in school Friday before they shut the schools (which they had decided to do anyway before they knew) and now everyone probably has it, if we didn't already, which again, maybe we did because he obviously caught it from someone here. Most restaurants are only doing take out now or delivery. The gyms all closed. Many hotels are way down. The major hospitalin Massachusetts tried to cancel my 92 year old FIL's non-elective absolutely necessary medical procedure because of COVID but he's been hospitalized 4 times in the past two months and nearly died, so he really has to get this surgery NOW to prevent another recurrence. They un-cancelled it.

People are acting nutty and buying all the handsanitizer which I could use (because I HAVE a respiratory disorder that makes me high risk and have to go to a major hospital while my FIL gets surgery) but they don't need as they are staying home and can wash their hands. They bought all the TP. They bought all the milk. WHY? This is an infection, not a famine. The supply chain is well protected. Even in China and Italy they still had/have pharmacy and food delivery. People are NUTS!

Stay safe folks.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 17, 2020, 05:43:06 PM
Yes, nuts. Some stockpiling, okay, but some like hand sanitizer, only needed if you go out. And bottled water. I'm told every loaf of bread was bought. How much freezer room do people have? If you're staying home flours and yeast might be better. Lines for virus testing are hours long,  it's insane.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Kaljaia on March 17, 2020, 09:49:04 PM
Folks are pretty chill here. I live 55 miles from the grocery store and made it in yesterday for my usual "groceries for three weeks" run; the trucks had come in, everything but TP and wipes was stocked, no one was panicking, businesses and restaurants were still open (For better or for worse!) but we're all distancing at work and I'm staying clear of my older neighbors. Most of my community got a really bad respiratory influenza from a work trip back in January. We joked afterwards it was probably "that new virus" because at the time it hadn't been announced yet, but who knows! I just got over the cough from it two weeks ago and lung capacity isn't back to where I want it yet. I'm glad I bought my rock saw respirator when I did; they can't be had for any price right now. My work has no idea what it's doing about all this yet; we're a resort camp. Might not be much of a year for us.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 19, 2020, 03:23:33 PM
I'm watching the news channel a lot lately, it a constant "breaking news ".  Also on a local fairly wide open hunting forum, they have been linking to legit studies. There also been links to conspiracy theories  and hoaxes. Oh well.   It's not good, but  my dad told me as a kid how he and his family survived the Spanish flu. Most will as well.  I might not, I have a couple of risk factors. The real problem will be the wake with the gathering limit. The answer  to that is " Don't worry, even with free booze you'll not that popular." :occasion14:
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: lithicbeads on March 19, 2020, 06:10:29 PM
First death closeby today and almost everything is closed. food bank is struggling with high demand and few volunteers as they are almost all old and have been told not to go out. Lots of panic over how to make rent -mortgage payments and many of my friends will have no income for  a while and many will lose their small businesses. Retail clerks are getting freaked as they are exposed to so many people. A lot of anger and resignation. People are realizing that people they knew , loved or admired will be dead or bankrupt.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Rustycat on March 19, 2020, 07:51:43 PM
Well, we've been self isolating for going on 3 weeks.  Today, we ordered some groceries from the local Thriftway.   They delivered for a $12 add-on and we tipped the driver $10, which he said he was donating to the local food bank.  Basically, you are at elevated risk if you are over 60.  Specifically, high blood pressure and taking ACE inhibitors, diabetic, heart arrhythmia, obesity, sleep apnea,  A blood type, smoking and being male are all elevated risk factors.   On the cheery side, I cut a small nephrite and when I shined a light on it, it looked like Kryptonite, totally awesome. 
Anyway, this is a time for all of us to consider safe health practices and watch out for those around us that need extra consideration and help. 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 19, 2020, 08:39:34 PM
Oh joy, you have added a risk factor. And there was a rumor that the Liquor Store was going to shut down, causing a run . :occasion14:

Here in BC, bars and clubs are closed. Restaurants are take out . Schools are out.

In Wuhan, with strict lockdown, it was 2 and 1/2 months, with looser restrictions , I guess 3 or 4 months.
In northern Italy, 4 weeks in the hospitals were overwhelmed, having to chose who lived and who died.
Experts, cheery bunch that they are, suggest that the COVIN-19 will end when a large number are infected ,then build immunity or they vaccine enough of the population. Both cases are 18 month down the road.   
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: lithicbeads on March 19, 2020, 09:15:45 PM
It seems inevitable now that most will get this .Some projections are for waves of this over three years. Lets hope for effective treatments to be developed. It is interesting to see the whole world threatened. Be patient and safe.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: irockhound on March 19, 2020, 09:24:49 PM
True, In the U.S. they have the short stay home duration's and it is what they don't say.  I am sure a lot of people hope that after the 14 day or 3 week it will be return to normal but the short window is only to hopefully stagger the infections over a longer period to keep the hospitals and support infrastructure from being overwhelmed.  What people don't quite get is even if a large majority stay home and stay healthy, when the confinement window closes with the cases out in the "wild" and it starts all over.  I think the absolute stupidest thing they could have said when they told millennials that you aren't at risk but please think of the other people you could affect by risky behavior.  Probably why spring break in Florida looked like every year prior.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 19, 2020, 09:50:29 PM
They even call it Boomer Remover. Sorry, I have an offbeat sense of humour.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 20, 2020, 09:36:00 AM
I figured I'd be hearing something like that sooner or later.🙀  You have to have a sense of humor or go nuts. Re
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Rustycat on March 20, 2020, 10:23:13 AM
On the local news this morning there was an interview with some young folks (under 30) that were out socializing and partying at the local Seattle beach enjoying the great weather yesterday.  One young man was interviewed about their  behavior, and t :Bash:he comment made was they weren't going to let some virus ruin their fun--they have to live their lives.   I thought, ah ha...I always thought there was no fixing stupid, now I see their is.   
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 20, 2020, 10:32:18 AM
The "namaste" gesture seems to be replacing handshaking, and it apparently has arisen spontaneously all over in many places rather than just through social media. Also, since we now have the internet, interesting questions arise about possible permanent changes to society. Just thinking. Arthur C. Clark had much to say about the affect of computers that we've already seen. Where to from here?
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 20, 2020, 10:36:12 AM
Reply to just before my post. I think they call it a Darwin award. I don't know. Get it and build your antibodies and get it over with?  What next
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: 55fossil on March 20, 2020, 10:57:37 AM
I go to the VA Hospital where they took the Veteran from the old folks home... where he died. Many other veterans have contracted the virus here as well.   

So what the F are some of you thinking?????    Saying crap like  boomer doomer, get it and get over it, I always thought there was no fixing stupid, now I see their is.   that is not humor

    Well, when your friends and family start dying or lose their jobs …. see who is laughing then.
 Humor check is for all those who think Trump is doing a great job staying ahead of this problem.

   I hope everyone uses a little bit of brains and some empathy for those who are truly at risk and have family members who contract this disease. So far my family and friends are well. We do know people who actually have contracted the disease as we are near one of the centers of the virus.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 20, 2020, 11:29:36 AM
It's too scary to be serious. If we see the same 20% to 70% infection rate as the seasonal flu with it's 35,000deaths at a mortality rate .1 %, you will see 250,000 deaths from COVID-19 , if we are lucky at a .6% mortality. In South Korea with Orwellian levels of tracking and extensive testing they are seeing the .6%. They also do early intervention. We are seeing mortality rates all over the place, 4.5% is often quoted, but I think that has more to do with healthcare systems' ability to treat. In a lot cases, by the time they hit the hospital, they are too far gone. I spent a lot of time in the ICU with my younger sister, she had cancer last November. The bank of machines was impressive. There wasn't that many ICU units !

On the economic front, it might even be more painful.If we look at our economy, so much of it is in the service sector. During this time, it's essential services only. So the that sector is toast. If people can't leave the house, they can't shop in the mall. Stores are closing, those that remain open,  are doing so at reduced hours and staff. I think we will see a retail sales drop of at least 25% , China saw a reduction of 20.5% . Even though Chinese are much more materialistic than us, the people are poorer, so frivolous spending  takes up mush less of their income.

Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: 55fossil on March 20, 2020, 11:42:25 AM
 ????   It's too scary to be serious.

   I know what you are saying, but.....  Stupid is as stupid does is another line that comes to mind. I have no worries in life except to enjoy it. I look beyond my own yard when I do things and say things. More to worry about in life than only what affects you. Well, some people think that way.

Thinking that I can get the virus, spread it around and not worry because I will probably survive it is just stupid. Guess you cannot build up an immunity to stupid!!!!  See, I do have a sense of humor. Okay, sorry, some people do dye from a bad case of stupid.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 20, 2020, 12:35:54 PM
I think a guy called Darwin had a theory about that. We have to laugh because our tears will soon run out. They talk about flattening curve, all that means is spreading it out over time. Same basic number of cases. If my 50+ year memory of Math 12 serves me right.

My wife went rockhounding today, Her friend and her went in two separate cars, and plan to keep 2 meter or 6feet  apart on the river bar. It's a beautiful day here.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 20, 2020, 01:33:49 PM
We may be in this long term. Stay home as much as possible, social distance, but you cannot keep a grim attitude for months on end, you can worry yourself to death. Just do what's necessary to protect yourself and family and live your life.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: irockhound on March 20, 2020, 01:49:35 PM
I am taking care of family and friends if needed with supplies and other than that NOT watching the financial market destroy my 401k and retirement account and cut stones in the garage and take daily walks to maintain sanity.  I don't need an ulcer on top of things.  Worried, yes.  what ifs?  too many to count.  I wake in the morning in "dreams" that I can't get out of my mind on things happening around us.  Trying to keep some measure of routine and something that makes you feel good (like cutting rocks) is all we can count on and we need that.  My youngest today, 22 years old in response to the stay home order in California said to me so does that mean I could stay at a friends house, I told him that is not what the order means and you know it.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: VegasJames on March 21, 2020, 02:29:52 AM
About 95% of all cancers are caused from viruses. So why haven't we freaked out over spreading of cancer viruses such as the HPVs, JCV, CMV, various herpes viruses, various hepatitis viruses, HTLV1, HTLV2, etc, etc, etc.

In fact I can think of a number of viruses that have killed more people than Covid19 and people seen to keep forgetting that viruses such as influenza and Covid19 are only killing people with already compromised immune systems.  This is why we have also have isolation for people with severely compromised immune systems such as cancer patients or AIDS patients who have had their immune systems wiped out by medications. We have never collapsed the economy before over infectious viruses. This is really STUPID!!!! Especially the panicking.

In fact taking this further according to the CDC there are 480,000 deaths per year in the United States from smoking including more than 41,000 deaths from second hand smoke. So where is the media panicking people about these things that kill more people annually than Covid19 has?

How about FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs that have killed people? For instance the FDA low-ball estimates that over 16,500 people annually die from the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, celecoxib, naproxen, etc. Most of these drugs were originally considered so dangerous for human use that they could only be sold with a prescription. As soon as their patents expired though they suddenly and magically became safe enough that the FDA allowed these drugs to be sold over the counter without a prescription. And deaths or injuries are not just from overdoses. In fact the stronger NSAIDs such as  ibuprofen, celecoxib and naproxen can all cause heart attacks, strokes, liver or kidney failure even with single recommended doses. This fact has been known for decades but the FDA only finally admitted to these facts a little over a decade ago. So where is the media yelling the sky is falling with all these deaths again exceeding the death toll annually in the U.S. for Covid19?!!!

The media has really over hyped the issue which I find interesting they started right before the elections and the "experts" are claiming will be over by November, which also happens to be when the elections will be over.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 21, 2020, 10:02:10 AM
Just read an article that lists the death rate at 3.4 percent, those were in hospitals or reported. Many probably are not as often symptoms are vary mild. People may not even suspect they have it. Some experts think it's less than 1 percent. The data is still coming in I suppose.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 21, 2020, 10:02:18 AM
This a coronavirus like SARS or MERS, in fact the virus name is SARS something or other. With my curiosity peaked, I'll try to satisfy my thirst for knowledge, YouTube is great. There is always some professor , or in this case a doctor , giving some talk. You are right there, this is a viral infection like the flu or a cold. What puts this one high on the scare scale are it's combination of contagiousness and deadliness. SARS of 2003 was much more deadly but luckily, much less contagious.  Since this is a new to humans virus, we have no antibodies . BTW they are following a play book from what worked with the Spanish flu of 1918.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: rocks2dust on March 21, 2020, 10:15:15 AM
We should be keeping focus on developing treatments for other diseases - not cutting research funds for those or backing off on efforts to counter preventable health problems such as smoking. Be that as it may, there is no reason not to address a new deadly outbreak. COVID19 was an obvious threat from the earliest days. It is a deadly form of the common cold virus, which spreads just as quickly and has a greater mortality rate than influenza. Moreover, there is no proven cure for Corona viruses and no vaccine to stop or moderate its spread.

No reputable source or "expert" is claiming this thing will be over by November. What they are trying to do now is get a handle on it before the "cough and cold season" winds down in May-June. If anything, the potential is that it will explode again next November, just as other corona cold viruses normally do, unless an effective vaccine and/or treatment can be quickly developed over the summer.

The mainstream media has run stories about the dangers of bleeding and liver damage for NSAIDs and similar OTC remedies for decades. The FDA has also put out warnings (they require them right there on the boxes).

The US and some other countries could have reacted much faster, as did South Korea and others who have maintained their bio-hazard defenses, to avoid this type of widespread shut down (by immediately deploying out country-wide testing using the kits the WHO made available months ago and implementing targeted sanitation and isolation regamins). Backing off efforts to contain this is just wrong-headed. Hopefully, this will be coralled in time so the conspiracy theorist crowd can point to the successful efforts to make out that it was all a hoax.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 21, 2020, 10:15:37 AM
Of more importance, my wife brought home a green river rock. From the glassiness of the chip, like agate or jasper. Both in green are very  uncommon here, as in never. It not jade, which is sometimes found on the river.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Enchantra on March 21, 2020, 01:03:41 PM
I'm in Maricopa County AZ, home of Phoenix. 
All schools statewide are shut down as of Monday last week.
As of yesterday morning we had 30 confirmed cases, and as of last night the first death in a 50ish year old man.

All restaurants have been ordered by the state to do takeout and delivery only.
The request was made that if you could work from home, to please do so. All large public gatherings are cancelled. 

Only businesses that are considered essential are open - grocery stores, pet food stores, medical facilities, gas stations, and those restaurants that are able to do takeout or delivery.

My Husband and I both work for the same company, and we have been working from home since Wednesday since I am considered in the higher risk group due to nasty asthma.

Food?  Not an issue we have ourselves a mini-stockpile.  My Husband was brought up Mormon, he knows how to store quantities of food to last a few months.  To that end I have learned to do it myself.  I figure we have three months of non-perishable food on hand, three full freezers and two fridges with what we could need.  Only things we will run out of at some point are almond milk, yogurt, sour cream, fresh tofu, and cheese.  We're good on almost everything else at the moment and will be for some time.  So we're sitting here comfortably at home watching other people clean out the grocery stores because we were prepared ahead of time.

TP?  We are not hoarding that and think it's insane that some people are.  One case from Costco lasts us two months.  We have a partial and one full case.  We're good for the duration.

Currently have Sprouted Spelt and Rye flour sourdough bread rising in the oven, and supplemental food for my dogs cooking in the second oven (I have a double oven).

My 2x four legged security system watches the front door during the day for me and guards us in the bedroom at night.
I've attached a picture of my security system. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: 55fossil on March 21, 2020, 03:29:41 PM
   Really busy here....  Home of the worlds happiest dogs and horses. Garden is already up with peas, lettuce and radishes.
   I bike into the eastern side of the foothills, 16 miles in the morning. Walk the old dog for 45 minutes cause we are both overweight. That and I am dismantling a 1960 Chevy Apache step side. Nut and bolt, complete frame off restoration in progress. I purchased the truck just before the Corona crap hit the fan. No time to get sick.....

   I see Trump has now gone from it is a "Reporter Propaganda" virus hoax … to now he has had a second test for the virus. I am playing it safe and isolating. Even if I did not get it I would not want to infect my friends or family. 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: irockhound on March 21, 2020, 03:49:35 PM
If you don't like Trump that fine but let's keep politics out of the conversation. 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 21, 2020, 04:00:17 PM
The club cab making instruction got cancelled today, Saturday, and tomorrow. It's best to be safe.  After all the work I put into setting up the shop, it's bit of a shame , it's not getting used.

The wife was complaining about the door knob on the front door. I agreed it needed replacing, but I told her we shouldn't be out shopping. It's that, that is annoying. 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: 55fossil on March 21, 2020, 05:30:58 PM
      I spent 8 years in the military. Military on both sides.  You feel free to say your interpretations of this mess and I will politely share my views. Kind of like when some people love agate and some love jasper, just a personal choice based on a persons views developed over many years. Not throwing stones.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 21, 2020, 06:26:04 PM
I'm a Canuck so no weighing in on your politics, certainly not on a rockhounder forum.  I'm a baby boomer, thus the chuckle over Boomer Remover, but this might be the greatest piece of history in my life time.  It might also be the last piece :occasion14: Not just the deaths, but the economic fallout. A Spanish Flu and the Great Depression rolled into one. Your posts could be recording serious history. They might not even award the Stanley Cup. That would be only second time since 1893.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Kaljaia on March 21, 2020, 09:18:58 PM
I'm on the other end of the age scale here and am very glad I have been blessed with financial security and took that parental advice to save up a year's salary just in case; not everyone in my age bracket has that opportunity! On the very short term, just glad I'm still getting paid, even if it's to twiddle my thumbs, wait for a phone to ring, or like today, go on a scavenger hunt for another department's scattered ladder collection. My community is co-oping to order through a local bulk food delivery service so we can reduce trips to town, and since I'm just feeding myself and two cats, it doesn't take much to get us through a few weeks! I still have a lot of elk and pig in the freezer too.

Watching spring unfold in the high desert has been an amazing juxtaposition with all this. And today, I did notice the utter absence of airplanes in the sky.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: VegasJames on March 21, 2020, 09:52:03 PM
We should be keeping focus on developing treatments for other diseases - not cutting research funds for those or backing off on efforts to counter preventable health problems such as smoking. Be that as it may, there is no reason not to address a new deadly outbreak. COVID19 was an obvious threat from the earliest days. It is a deadly form of the common cold virus, which spreads just as quickly and has a greater mortality rate than influenza. Moreover, there is no proven cure for Corona viruses and no vaccine to stop or moderate its spread.

No reputable source or "expert" is claiming this thing will be over by November. What they are trying to do now is get a handle on it before the "cough and cold season" winds down in May-June. If anything, the potential is that it will explode again next November, just as other corona cold viruses normally do, unless an effective vaccine and/or treatment can be quickly developed over the summer.

The mainstream media has run stories about the dangers of bleeding and liver damage for NSAIDs and similar OTC remedies for decades. The FDA has also put out warnings (they require them right there on the boxes).

The US and some other countries could have reacted much faster, as did South Korea and others who have maintained their bio-hazard defenses, to avoid this type of widespread shut down (by immediately deploying out country-wide testing using the kits the WHO made available months ago and implementing targeted sanitation and isolation regamins). Backing off efforts to contain this is just wrong-headed. Hopefully, this will be coralled in time so the conspiracy theorist crowd can point to the successful efforts to make out that it was all a hoax.

No reputable expert would ever use statistics to claim a higher mortality rate since as everyone knows statistics are easily manipulated to prove whatever they wish to prove. 

Let's look at what has been reported on the differences between influenza and coronavirus according to Johns Hopkins:


COVID-19: Approximately 286,932 cases worldwide; 19,624 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 21, 2020.*

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

COVID-19: Approximately 11,906 deaths reported worldwide; 260 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 21, 2020.*

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year."

And the fact remains there are other deadlier common viruses that have been around for a while. Why all of a sudden panic over this virus but not other deadlier common viruses, or other things that kill more people annually all with government support?

As for vaccines or other treatments why are they only focusing on a vaccine especially with all the problems with vaccines including low effectiveness if any at all? Fact is that vaccines have never been proven safe nor effective. The best argument people can come up with when asked for evidence of efficacy is the unsubstantiated claim that vaccines got rid of smallpox. Deadly viruses have dies out on their own since no vaccines exist for them so who is to say that smallpox did not simply die out on its own accord?

Why don't focus on things with solid evidence of efficacy such as ozone therapy?

Another good article on ozone:

Problem is economics again. Ozone therapy has also been shown to be highly effective against cancers without causing secondary cancers like so many allopathic therapies and cancer cells cannot build a tolerance to ozone, ozone boosts anticancer cytokines and superoxide dismutase, ozone increases white blood cell activity and oxidizes excess hormones that can promote cancer. Ozone has also been shown to be effective for herpes, various types of infectious hepatitis, burns, staph infections including antibiotic resistant staph, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc.  Despite NUMEROUS studies proving the safety and efficacy of ozone therapy and the fact that under U.S. law ozone has a grandfathered approval status ozone therapy is not allowed to be used to cure diseases to protect pharmaceutical profits. Unlike unproven vaccines ozone therapy is not patentable and thus it cannot be controlled by big pharma nor the FDA who is in bed with big pharma as has been proven over and over.  So why people are dying of diseases such as cancer, hepatitis and viruses such as coronaviruses the cures that already exist are not being allowed unless they they can be controlled and made profitable for big pharma.

So where are the warnings for heart attack, stroke and kidney damage even from single recommended doses of NSAIDs? Why are they promoting aspirin for heart attacks when studies and common sense tell us that this is one of the dumbest things a person can do during a heart attack? In fact if you understood NSAIDs and heart attacks you would also know why this is so stupid.

The FDA did not even admit that these drugs could cause heart attacks and strokes for decades despite this fact being well known. And the media did not even report on these side effects until the FDA finally admitted to what had been well known for decades.

What is funny is the FDA has banned or attempted to ban herbs with less damage or deaths but not only removes extremely deadly drugs such as most NSAIDs from the prescription only because they are deemed to dangerous without prescription to safe enough for over the counter status as soon as the patents expire. Why? Did the FDA waive their magic wand to make these drugs deemed too dangerous to be sold without a prescription to magically make them suddenly safe enough for people to buy and use over the counter? Of course not. Again it is all about protecting pharmaceutical profits.

As for your mentioning of testing do you have any clue how testing is done? They are using polymerase chain reaction (PCR, "viral load") to test for the virus. You may want to read up in the medical journals about the numerous problems with testing accuracy with the PCR.

While you are at it you may want to learn what the definition of a theory is. I always get such a kick out of these people who have no clue what a theory is so they try and insult people by calling them a "conspiracy theorist". If only they knew the definition and therefore why their insults are so ridiculously stupid. :laughing4:

Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 22, 2020, 10:20:55 AM
Princess Cruise lines supplied us with some data, .7% which is in line with South Korea's .6% . Seasonal flu is about .1%, it's still pretty serious. Italy is a mess. Since I have the worlds smartest and most beautiful grand daughter, I hope to see her grow up some more.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Enchantra on March 22, 2020, 10:45:11 AM
Let's keep to a nice civil discussion.  So far nothing has gotten out of hand, but...


I don't want to have to thwack anyone over the head with my Bat of Moderation (TM).

Also if you are going to share Coronavirus information, please keep to factual stuff, no conspiracy theory or quack science please.  If I see total lunacy being posted I WILL either edit the postings, OR if it's totally out of hand, lock down the thread.

Happy posting!

Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 22, 2020, 12:11:45 PM
If it's a cold virus, and spreads like one, a person is contagious for 3 to 5 days before symptoms begin according to everything I've been able to find. a  major reason why the common cold has not been contained.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 22, 2020, 01:27:29 PM
It's more like a flu virus than a cold virus. No comfort there, eh. Still a virus.  Other coronaviruses are SARS and MERS . I don't know about your areas, but here in Canada , some provinces are telling internal (Canadian) travelers to self isolate for the 14 days when they come into their provinces.

Those % numbers, all under 1, are hard numbers,  and I thought they were rather encouraging with what is really possible.

When I look at the calendar, I'm amazed at how much I look at things differently. Two weeks ago I went to a rock and gem show on Vancouver Island, now I wouldn't dream of it. Going on the ferry, crowds.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: VegasJames on March 22, 2020, 11:20:53 PM
Let's keep to a nice civil discussion.  So far nothing has gotten out of hand, but...


I don't want to have to thwack anyone over the head with my Bat of Moderation (TM).

Also if you are going to share Coronavirus information, please keep to factual stuff, no conspiracy theory or quack science please.  If I see total lunacy being posted I WILL either edit the postings, OR if it's totally out of hand, lock down the thread.

Happy posting!

Vampire bat or fruit bat? :laughing4:

Problem with the conspiracy theory comment is how many people here know enough about things like medicine and human physiology/pathophysiology to determine what is a conspiracy theory?  As we have seen one person who obviously does not know about any of these was attempting to use the term "conspiracy theorist crowd" as an attempted insult because he neither knew or understood the facts and did not know what a theory is.  A theory is a hypothesis (educated guess) that HAS BEEN BACKED BY EVIDENCE!  So using the term conspiracy theories only refers to conspiracies that have been backed by actual evidence. Yes. conspiracies do really happen in real life.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 23, 2020, 09:47:37 AM
You might be on to something. Your bat comment might be pretty close to the truth, chuckle, as to the source of the virus.

As a foreigner looking on, I live a whole 27 and a 1/2 blocks  from the border, conspiracies are not generally  part of  Canadian discussions.

On the COVID-19 front, yesterday the weather was super nice, the people flocked to the parks, not keeping their social distancing.6 feet apart or 6 feet under.  We have some very unhappy authorities . Unhappy  wasn't my first choice for the word . 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Felicia on March 23, 2020, 11:08:12 AM
The media needs to keep to facts. They were showing " packed" beaches with people maybe 30 to 100 feet apart, or small family groups.  How much more social distancing can you get?
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: VegasJames on March 23, 2020, 07:18:26 PM
The good thing is that according to the news nothing else bad in the world is going on as all they talk about is Covid19. One of the reasons I rarely watch the news anymore. I am so tired of listening to the Covid19 hysteria reporting.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 27, 2020, 10:04:33 AM
Good News, here in BC we are seeing less than the expected death rate of 0.6%. Stay safe
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Kaljaia on March 27, 2020, 11:04:04 PM
We are down to two-is-a-crowd in Oregon, trying to stop the spread before it hits WA levels. One in the county so far, and they have no idea where it came from in that person, so... idk probably been circulating for a while and going unnoticed among all the seasonal flu. My coworkers vary from panic to not caring at all. I'm in the middle- I described it to a kid today as like living with a rattlesnake. You know it's dangerous, you respect its ability to hurt you, and you figure out how to safely work around it.

Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 28, 2020, 09:27:24 AM
I like the two-is-a-crowd. The other one I've heard is 6 feet apart or 6 feet under. The English have come up with 2 meter distance to keep our existence.

 The scenes coming from NYC are sobering . The one that sticks in my mind is of a refer trailer backed up to the door of a hospital.

On a more pleasant note, with everybody stuck at home, there's lot of baking going on.

Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Enchantra on March 28, 2020, 09:45:12 AM
My husband has been baking bread in the breadmaker.
I've been experimenting with sourdough.
I'm slowly bit-by-bit working on getting my studio cleaned to the point I can use it.
Also prepping to put in the garden.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Rustycat on March 28, 2020, 10:51:09 AM
Good News, here in BC we are seeing less than the expected death rate of 0.6%. Stay safe
Even though most of us are maxed out with information, I found the following Pod Cast to be remarkable:
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: ileney on March 30, 2020, 06:53:32 PM
I’ve been trapped in my house for two weeks with my poor son whose college year was cut short ( and working on classes remotely with none of the supports at college is a big challenge) and my husband who fortunately can work from home.
 Maine went from under 650 people unemployed to over 22,000 in a week. I have a respiratory/immune disorder so I’m pretty sure this thing would kill me ( the common cold typically takes me months to recover from) and am doing all to avoid it. My sister in New York tell me everyone is catching it even though they barely leave their homes. I guess you can still pick it up if you have to use the gas station or grocery store. The parents of several of my nephew’s friends are very ill and the healthy 72 year old father of my sister’s friend died in just a few days. It’s scary how fast it spreads.
My in-laws live in Assisted Living and all the many classes are cancelled and they are having to eat in their apartments. No socializing or visitors allowed at all. They stop by 5 times  a day, twice to take every resident’s temperature and deliver snacks and three times for meals. The people doing this now wear gloves and masks. They are terrified this thing will rampage through, the way it has at other facilities.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Downwindtracker2 on March 30, 2020, 07:17:02 PM
My sister is on chemo and my buddy has had a kidney transplant, it's a death sentence to either of them.

In Canada, unemployment insurance is federal, EI usually gets 35,000 applicants a week, last week it was a million. Our population is 37 million.

The wife backed another batch of cookies. 
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: ToTheSummit on March 30, 2020, 08:39:49 PM
I'm considered an essential industry. We do a lot of work on public utilities, and people like it when the water comes on when they turn the faucet and the poop disappears when they push the handle.  Needless to say I'm as busy as ever.  In fact, after working all day we got called in for some night work, so guess who's about ready to put his work boots back on?!

Vegas is eerie right now.  The town that never sleeps is in a coma.  I'm out there every day though.  I told my wife it feels like the whole world went on vacation and I have to work!  I was scheduled to be on vacation next week...thats not happening now.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: ileney on March 30, 2020, 08:56:21 PM
Some excellent news on the COVID front for a change.
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Rustycat on March 30, 2020, 10:15:33 PM
I’ve been trapped in my house for two weeks with my poor son whose college year was cut short ( and working on classes remotely with none of the supports at college is a big challenge) and my husband who fortunately can work from home.
 Maine went from under 650 people unemployed to over 22,000 in a week. I have a respiratory/immune disorder so I’m pretty sure this thing would kill me ( the common cold typically takes me months to recover from) and am doing all to avoid it. My sister in New York tell me everyone is catching it even though they barely leave their homes. I guess you can still pick it up if you have to use the gas station or grocery store. The parents of several of my nephew’s friends are very ill and the healthy 72 year old father of my sister’s friend died in just a few days. It’s scary how fast it spreads.
My in-laws live in Assisted Living and all the many classes are cancelled and they are having to eat in their apartments. No socializing or visitors allowed at all. They stop by 5 times  a day, twice to take every resident’s temperature and deliver snacks and three times for meals. The people doing this now wear gloves and masks. They are terrified this thing will rampage through, the way it has at other facilities.
Not wanting to fear monger, I will point this article out regarding the transmissibility of the virus :
Title: Re: What's happening out your way?
Post by: Kaljaia on March 30, 2020, 11:34:58 PM
My folks (72 & 80) are in western Washington, and I'm well aware of what this could do to them, but they're being very careful and we're all trying to balance "normal" life as much as possible. I am hugely blessed by still being able to hike, and still having a job I can do from home! Being in such a remote area in Oregon, where we haven't been hit hard yet, it still feels distant.