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Congratulations to Bobby1 and his Brazilian Agate Cab!

Another cabochon contest coming soon!

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 on: February 17, 2025, 08:20:10 AM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
I went back to try and find evidence of the St John theory. The owner of the shop that I cruise is very sick and isn't available for ID help. Yesterday I dusted off this Lil cutie and think it looks very akin to St John.

 on: February 16, 2025, 03:03:35 PM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
There was a gal who closed down her rock shop a few years ago here that had a scad of St John's. Could it be?

 on: February 16, 2025, 07:49:50 AM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
A grody little hand specimen from maybe Canada? I washed it but kept a small amount of dirt on the specimen in case that's the clincher in ID-ing it. Could be from Pakistan.

 on: February 15, 2025, 07:57:38 PM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
Thanks for the feedback! I will continue researching and definitely dip into the archives. Are Bishop and Singleton the same ranch, by chance? Seems like there's been a lot of renaming with different owners but they have very similar looks in the material.

 on: February 15, 2025, 05:11:36 PM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by irockhound
Having collected west texas bouquets for years, I would hesitate on Woodward.  Although it did have some gold plume is was not common and reds and blacks were the norm.  The walker ranch next door to the south had more of the gold but again still not in great supply.  Looking at the other things going on in the slab would tell me its from another ranch Possibly below Marfa like the Singleton or another ranch along the mesa's  There is a lot of plume agates all around Alpine and Marfa and with so many ranches its hard to say which, however, like I said Woodward and Walker had some distinctive looks.  I have a number of posts on West Texas plumes on the forum to see if you can see any similarities.

 on: February 15, 2025, 07:20:26 AM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
Macro, because the lens refraction is annoying in wide shots and throws the plumes into blurry land.

 on: February 15, 2025, 07:11:33 AM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
It's definitely bouquet from West Texas, but which ranch? Closest I could guess is Woodward. Has small voids here and there. I rubbed butter on it, heh heh

 on: February 11, 2025, 11:23:19 AM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by WingnutAndAPrayer
I will dutifully report back re. luminescence and when it hits the saw you guys will definitely see it. Getting braver about cutting quality with the increase in blade prices!!

 on: February 10, 2025, 09:09:02 PM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by Enchantra
I have no idea what is could be other than if you do cut it eventually, please show us the inside!

 on: February 10, 2025, 08:55:18 PM 
Started by WingnutAndAPrayer - Last post by irockhound
To me it definitely looks like some of the brown to black fire agate with the clear chalcedony the bots.  Normally would show a green under UV.

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