- February 18, 2025, 05:37:19 AM
- Welcome, Guest
Welcome new members & old from the Lapidary/Gemstone Community Forum. Please join up. You will be approved after spam check & you must manually activate your acct with the link in your email
Congratulations to Bobby1 and his Brazilian Agate Cab!
Another cabochon contest coming soon!
1) No Selling until you reach fifty (50) posts. No exceptions. Your sales posts will be deleted. You may get a warning or depending on the infraction, your account deleted entirely. This is done to protect forum members from potential scam artists and to protect the sellers as well. Please note that anyone with the status of "newbie" cannot see the section of the forum devoted to sales.
2) You may post a link to your website in your signature. We really would appreciate your first name in your signature as well. We are a community forum and love to get to know each other on a first name basis. It's who we are.
3) Please please please don't rapid post to try to get to the fifty post limit to be able to sell things. You will be noticed, you will be dealt with accordingly. We mean this. We want you to post and share information with others on this forum and make friends. Simply making one or two word responses to a bunch of posts rapidly gaining 30+ posts in under 20 minutes will not near and endear you to anyone on this forum. That folks is SPAM.
4) Rude remarks, comments and flame wars have no place here. You will be dealt with accordingly. We all hate locking threads, we loathe deleting members. However if you force our hand we will do it. Please do not bring disagreements and flame wars from other forums over here. We don't need the baggage coming here from other places. Please keep this in mind when posting.
5) Politics. While we don't have an all-out ban on politics, we much prefer you keep them off forum. There are political forums on the net where you can voice your concerns over the governments, elections etc. This forum isn't the place for that. If you chose to post about this stuff there's a good chance your post will eventually be locked because someone might get offended. Better to just not post the stuff at all.
6) Religion. Our forum members cover a wide range of beliefs from all over the world. Please respect these beliefs. Don't post stuff belittling someones religion or other spiritual beliefs and please don't post stuff trying to convert others. We come from a wide variety of religious background on this forum. If we all can get along, you can to. Preferably we'd like folks to just keep religious postings to a minimum if possible, it just helps in the long run in keeping things running smoothly. If you want to wish folks a Merry Christmas, we're cool with that. You want to wish folks a Happy Chinese New Year we're for that too.
7) Swearing. We do have people who would like to bring their children to this board. We ask that you keep profanities to a minimum please.
8 ) To ban a member for improper behavior and abuse - consensus of at least two admins.
9) Spammers just get banned out right, no consensus required. If someone is posting porn and trying to sell shoes, it's obvious they don't belong here.
10) Any Changes in forum policies will be put to a vote for the general forum population. It would be nice to have this forum to be a bit of a democracy to a point.
11) We have Five Admins and Five Moderators as a series of checks and balances within the hierarchy of the forum. We have done this so no one person has a majority of the power. We all share.
12) There will be no idle purges of any members, PERIOD..
For now that covers the most important aspects of the rules here. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their experience here. Afterall, we all like to talk, show off our creations and learn new things.
2) You may post a link to your website in your signature. We really would appreciate your first name in your signature as well. We are a community forum and love to get to know each other on a first name basis. It's who we are.
3) Please please please don't rapid post to try to get to the fifty post limit to be able to sell things. You will be noticed, you will be dealt with accordingly. We mean this. We want you to post and share information with others on this forum and make friends. Simply making one or two word responses to a bunch of posts rapidly gaining 30+ posts in under 20 minutes will not near and endear you to anyone on this forum. That folks is SPAM.
4) Rude remarks, comments and flame wars have no place here. You will be dealt with accordingly. We all hate locking threads, we loathe deleting members. However if you force our hand we will do it. Please do not bring disagreements and flame wars from other forums over here. We don't need the baggage coming here from other places. Please keep this in mind when posting.
5) Politics. While we don't have an all-out ban on politics, we much prefer you keep them off forum. There are political forums on the net where you can voice your concerns over the governments, elections etc. This forum isn't the place for that. If you chose to post about this stuff there's a good chance your post will eventually be locked because someone might get offended. Better to just not post the stuff at all.
6) Religion. Our forum members cover a wide range of beliefs from all over the world. Please respect these beliefs. Don't post stuff belittling someones religion or other spiritual beliefs and please don't post stuff trying to convert others. We come from a wide variety of religious background on this forum. If we all can get along, you can to. Preferably we'd like folks to just keep religious postings to a minimum if possible, it just helps in the long run in keeping things running smoothly. If you want to wish folks a Merry Christmas, we're cool with that. You want to wish folks a Happy Chinese New Year we're for that too.
7) Swearing. We do have people who would like to bring their children to this board. We ask that you keep profanities to a minimum please.
8 ) To ban a member for improper behavior and abuse - consensus of at least two admins.
9) Spammers just get banned out right, no consensus required. If someone is posting porn and trying to sell shoes, it's obvious they don't belong here.
10) Any Changes in forum policies will be put to a vote for the general forum population. It would be nice to have this forum to be a bit of a democracy to a point.
11) We have Five Admins and Five Moderators as a series of checks and balances within the hierarchy of the forum. We have done this so no one person has a majority of the power. We all share.
12) There will be no idle purges of any members, PERIOD..
For now that covers the most important aspects of the rules here. We want everyone to have fun and enjoy their experience here. Afterall, we all like to talk, show off our creations and learn new things.