Gadgets, Gizmos, and Dohickeys > What Equipment to Buy and Where to Get it.

Intarsia machine and the guy who makes them


The current intarsia grinder I believe is the one originally built and designed by Al Sesona. He is either passed away or is not working on them anymore. The current guy building them is a machinist out of Jacksonville who builds them to order on the side of his main business. He is a really nice guy by the name of Jim Munyon. The wife and I drove up there to pick it up and to go to Bucky's for birthday shopping for my mom. If you have never gone to a Bucky's, I suggest you go, its like a Cracker Barrel, Academy Sports, and a Wa Wa had a baby and gave it steroids. Its an experience. Anyway, he is a cool guy and is he and his wife  are very interested in hearing about what we use his machines for. She does some small amounts of rockwork to sell at craft shows herself. Its a great machine and I use it all the time.  

His number is 904-449-5090, due to his normal job its better to text him and let him get back to you at his own pace.

I have heard Highland Park is working on a design also, but I doubt it will be anywhere near the price point that Jim's has.

R.U. Sirius:
Thank you for sharing the information! Lapidary as a hobby, and especially as a commercial endeavor are very small, niche markets. I have great respect for anyone putting an effort into business development that serves such markets.

The more equipment and material offerings out there, the more people can learn and master the craft, getting the market bigger and less risky to serve. Unfortunately, this goes the other way around, too - less (or lower quality) offerings means more frustrated hobbyists and professionals who give up.


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