Well, time to thin the herd and sell off a couple tons of rough. Mostly my Deer Sky picture Jasper from the Owyhee Mountains and Fantasy Plume Agate which I dug in the graveyard Point region. Also, lots of BC Jade. There will also be buckets of a lot of different agates, petrified wood, T-eggs and jaspers. Literally a couple tons of rough. Sale is April 12 thru 14th with Sunday being a blowout day. The less expensive pieces will be piled up for take it all for one price.
If you are in the area I live in Yamhill, Oregon.
PS: The good stuff that survives will mostly be sold on E-Bay. I have 19 auctions on ebay to test the waters and do some price checking this week. Auctions end on Tuesday so please take a quick peak if you want to see some of what I sell. Prices for quality materials have looked really strong on ebay this year. I sold a bunch of Idaho Star garnets recently and was pleased with the prices I got.
Also, is anyone doing anything out there????? Or is everyone so busy they have not had time to post here lately..